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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  November 22, 2023 8:00am-9:00am EST

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good wednesday morning. thanks very much for joining us this morning. i am maria bartiromo. it is wednesday, november 22. before 8:00 israel-hamas agreeing to how large release detail broken i
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by quota the united states, they will be let free, including three americans, they will bell released over a four-day period this in exchange for four-day pause rooes of 150 palestinian prisoners inside israeli jails we are told release of hostages will come in waves could come as early as tomorrow. joining me right now former cia station chief served in moscow iraq pakistan fox business contributor dan hoffman thanks very much for being here we point out 50 hostages that are going to be released a portion of 240 plus hostages that hamas is still holding correct ? . >>. >> that is correct, if it is a start but a lot more work yet to be done. >> your assessment of this agreement? >> well, i think what hamas is doing is they are exploiting the hostages that they took from israel, just to try to prolong the war, tler going to
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get a short truce going to set bag israeli military operations a few days will allow hamas terrorist fighters to have to rearm, and to move to locations where israel will have to find them again and their location that is what hamas wants two cars kinetic war israel winning at a cost in terms of civilian casualties then information war, hamas with iran assistance diplomatic talks particularly from china, is winning. maria: i think this is a really important point that you make because china is once again behind this information propaganda war, in addition, to what you are calling kinetic war would you should u.s. deal with that joe biden had a meeting with xi jinping last week yet anothersh that did not come up in conversation, how china is spewing out propaganda against israel and america.
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>> think we have to even be forceful take on china i wish could call this challenge from china what it is it is another cold war militarizing south china sea developing nuclear weapons fastest rate that of any country a great threat to united states in the process mounting full-court press against private sector to seal intellectual property espionage operations against us the list goes on and on not to mention tiktok, director called a loaded gun aiming against ourselves when we use it, i think this administration needs to take on china and take a page out of president president reagan's he will arrogant use of bully pulpit to he do so -- >> they are not doing that could be because this president is compromised the big story china is behind is binance ceo of binance, puts a
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guilty plea and steps down from binance to chinese cryptocurrency exchange hamas using binance to get money, the cryptocurrency exchange was being used to farm money to hamas saying small sums but it was enabling hamas to fund this war again china, behind it. >> yeah when i served in cia we used to focus a lot on the kinetic side of targeting terrorists all over the world we also tried to follow the money, because that is what binance terrorist operations hamas has extraordinary so he is if kaisted, transfer money through cryptocurrency, and with the assistance as you correctly point out of china.
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maria: the treasury department said binance enabled a range of illicit actors to transacting freely on platform hamas al-qaeda,jihad islamic state iraq and syria terrorist organizations received money through that exchange. >> i try to -- view in warped similar to vladimir putin whatever they are doing hurting united states no matter how bad a good day for them if that marines a relationship with iran china iran signed a 25 year partnership deal in 2021 china enabling iran to evade sanctions ship their oil what they need china in global competition for united states for influence kwhoo we're seeing in middle east with latest loosely called peace proposal it really isn't. but that is what they're trying to do, that is the way they see the world. >> certainly have guy in the
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white house in order to help enable all of this, the. s conducted airstrikes on iraq today destroying two facilities by iranian proxy forces one day after american military gunship killed three iran backed militants strikes retaliation for attack on u.s. air base in iraq yesterday resulting in at least 8 injuries this on top of all of these attacks u.s. forces attacked at least 66 times in iraq, syria since october 17 what should be proper response from america to all attacks on our u.s. military forces in the middle east right now? >> well first, it is important to note that iran is dialing up the pressure. they don't want a direct confrontation with united states they will lose that they want to dial up pressure using proxy terrorists militants in iraq, hezbollah affiliated in iraq united states struck but the what iran wanted to do part of
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feeding their information war appear like united states at war in middle east on israel's side, that is how iran will seeking to sway public in any arab states like egypt saudi arabia jordan many pro-palestinian in those countries iran trying to drive a wedge between them and leadership of those countries adversaries of iran united states we don't have deterrents we haven't established deterrents we need to do it our military, servicemen and women at risk in harm's way we owe it to them to do everything we can, to reestablish he deterrents. maria: unbelievable how dangerous this world has become, and vulnerability america finds itself in wondering if a terrorist attack, on u.s. soil, is man in the white house up to the job. >> well, i certainly pray that he and team are up to the job there are a lot of
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hardworking, dedicated public servants in military intelligence community supporting the president and his team they do it without any predisposed political bias no matter who is in it's white house, we face national security tlaelt wickedly complex schoolg more so than before with russia and china north korea iran new axis of tyranny not to mention transnational terrorism proliferation of weapons of destruction in southern border imperative most out of leaders thanks for analysis dan hoffman joining us breaking news out of middle east this morning israeli cabinet agreed to temporary cease-fire deal under this agreement, 150 palestinians prisoners handed over in exchange for 50 hostages, taken by hamas on acting 7. fox business jeff paul live in
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tel aviv with more on this agreement jeff? . reporter: maria since we last spoke with you learning that israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu at some point today is going to have a news conference to react to this agreement that they came to within israeli government at 3 a.m. took more than six hours, previously before going into that he called this deal a tough decision, but the right drigs. now under the agreement between israel, and hamas, israel will receive 50 of the hostages back. women and children. in exchange israel will release 150 palestinian prisoners, each day, that they rooes, a pause in the war four to five days prime minister netflix under pleasure from families of hostages believes this is right decision for the right time, but for the you
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civilians call gaza home they are running spratly low on essentials they are wedge the news of an agreement. >> we have been waiting for it for over a week o we've been waiting for a cease-fire every day. cease-fire, cease-fire, and nothing was happening. reporter: first set of hostages could be released as early as tomorrow the pause if fighting of flirnl supposed to ten a.m. the rafah crossing from egypt flown to israel obviously, treated by doctors, checked out to make sure they are okay, once they are health healthy enough probably speak with israeli security members to tell them not online what they experienced but what they saw and where they were taken inside gaza. maria: we are all interested in that, thanks very much in
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tel aviv this morning stay safe jeff.iv we'll be right back. . e satins ] ♪ ♪ liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. with the money i saved, i started a dog walking business. oh. [dog barks] no it's just a bunny! only pay for what you need. ♪liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty.♪
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orrick rise in number caught on terrorist watch list how many have gotten in it is a very, very challenging time in the world right now biden has made it much more dangerous. maria: greg murphy joining me earlier linking southern border crisis to intelligence reportedly warnings possible attack in new york to come, illegal migrants in martha's vineyard sentenced to 14 years in prison rape 8 hours republicans voted to block effort to impeach alejandro mayorkas joining me one of 8 lawmakers stopped it
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california congressman darrell issa thanks very much for being here this morning. >> thanks, maria, but ifs not meaning to correct you we voted to send it to the committee, the committees of. >> jae with chairman jordan, those, if everyone who voted, yes on this, wants to vote it back out when with modifications, to make it germane i am looking forward i said willing to vote for impeachment but i want to make sure that it is written properly comes out prepared to not just have house but to pass house in a way in which at least a shot to take it to senate convince them to remove, the secretary. maria: that is what i wanted you to come on explain, because i know that you know this threat better than most you understand, what has taken place at the southern border,
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and that there has been a dereliction of duty underway from this homeland security alejandro mayorkas as well as this president was it truly just a technicality that caused you to vote the way that you did is that what you are saying? >> i will actually -- any time a privileged resolution not from leadership that comes to floor biappling procedures that caused us to do good work, i am going to scrutinize it probably vote against it i voted against similar sanction against rashida tlaib did so because it was written if you will poorly, a day later, after quite a bit of work we had it altered one came forward we all voted for got 22 democrats to vote for sanctions her for uven reasonable comments kinds of
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thing we want to do mike resolutions if going to occur tight accurate sustainable. you know when i -- held eric holder in contempt i got double-digit democrats who voted with me to hold him in contempt took a lot of work but that is the right way to do it. i am not saying we're going to get democrats to vote with us on most things but do i believe that we need to make it at least credible that we've done home work that we're accurate, i trust jim jordan i just chairman green over at homeland security people elected by majority of republicans, and elected because we trust them, now do i want to see impeachment or change in direction? absolutely. i think it is tantamount to treason that we're allowing people to come many into this opportune including terrorists and people on watch list we've cried a situation in which
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chaos throughout the country, and by the way, you heard earlier, when you played it, the person most responsible is the president of the united states, some believe also guilt of bribery. >> majorie taylor greene brought this motion to the floor said going to go back,and make changes bring it back again. are you saying that is unless it comes from chairman of the committee you are still not going to agree? >> to vote that way. >> no, no the one that sanctioned tlaib kas brought directly but you scrutinize them differently i saw that one for the first time as coming to the floor i felt that it wasn't tight didn't allege impeachable offenses she is a very smart congresswoman if she goes back and works with others to make sure that she is alleging impeachable offenses it is tight sustainable i would
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consider voting for it. i would prefer it come out as impeachment inquiry or impeachment normally does, with chairman jordan, in a prepared to go across to the senate, weapons we impeach the other half to remove requires the senate. >> you think would pass senate or no? >> no, i don't think it works you know it might convince the president to change his policy it certainly if we've a if you will a somewhat more pro taxed trial not quick vote on the floor but series of things you normally see in impeachment, it convince how wrong this is in the could change policy or alternative get american people to realize we need to change this the president. >> absolutely a mystery as to why this president does not put america first, and has
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such a soft response to our adversaries, house judiciary committee chairman jim jordan, sent to lesley wolf ordering her for appearance december 7 she is accused of trying to shield president biden from certain questions related to hunter investigation. >> lesley wolf seems where all roads lead to when you look at cover-up irs told to stand department of justice told to stand down fbi told to stand john one person's name continues to merge in cover-ups, leslie wol. >> wide-open border, botched afghanistan, we are wondering whether or not this president is compromised what beijing
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has on this president, about what do you where is this going? >> i think we're heading toward an impeachment with bribery one of the charges. no ho i haven't nailed it down that is chairman comer's primary job is to finish nailing it down. but i have talked to him, of course, jim jordan and i talk regularly we see the elements coming together of the moneyure following the action when money causes action, that is bribery, we think that is what we are beginning to see. >> unbelievable, we appreciate you joining us to take on this issue a lot of people requesting why in fact you were one of the people who pushed walk on majorie taylor greene's motion you explained it we appreciate your time sir we will be watching all of this thank you. >> thank you. >> congressman darrell issa joining us this morning. we'll be right back. .
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maria: welcome back, futures higher this morning one did ahead of thanksgiving holiday tomorrow dow industrials up 412 nasdaq up 71 s&p 500 higher by 12, markets had an incredible november take a look at stocks surging for the month for the month so far, thanksgiving dow industrials up 5 1/2% nasdaq up almost 9% just november s&p 500 up 7%
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for the year nasdaq up 30%, look at interest rates this morning, treasury yield of 10-year down three basis points level 4.368% way down from 5% two weeks ago federal reserve meeting minutes he revealing no indication of possible rate cut at last meeting more tightening likely on the way joining me to talk stocks sports ai is former chairman ceo tv ameritrade joe with is great to see you congratulations to you on all that you've done. >> thank you. >> a family thing to have our name on the stadium f ordham. grateful you -- >> that was awesome ai big story on ai today, you've got
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binance ceo stepping down now he is basically admitting that he helped hamas fund their operation money laundering now the move after concerns about pressure from investors employees said we're quitting you get him back, fire the board otherwise we are going with him to microsoft, before we get to leadership issues i want your take on a.i. 6% been raising concerns about use of artificial intelligence for years i spoke to co-founder sun micro systems, bill joy part of ai special in 2019 watch this. >> do you believe ai is not being used today going to be used you in future. >> we don't have ais that are general in the sense that they are -- multifaceted can learn like, smart people learn.
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and it is that second phase that will bring the danger the first phase brings are disruption socially, economically, because, it -- it is essentially so much more efficient second phase when they think for themselves if have children replicate them become a species coexisting if one of us us marsupials we have competition have to manage in a way we don't end up in competition possibly 25 to 50 year problem at this point, isaac other people wrote about this created laws of robotics, try to constrain behavior of these -- robots the truth is robots like bacteria attacked with kts
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antibiotic can develop resistance to programming. >> crazy stuff i think in that second phase right now thoughts on artificial intelligence. >> i think in general there isn't any question there are -- bad people in the world there are bad actors in the world has ability to fabricate all sorts of different things that could be bad for our country for the world bad for economy bad for global peace. so that exists, i recognize that we all recognize that, there are a lot of things out there where people could do bad things with. the other side ai, though it is it can be by far the most significant creator productive thing we have ever had in technology when you go to internet beginning with internet everybody people that use internet poorly worried about internet taking over jobs on wall street a trader on wall street --
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stock exchange tremendous anxiety about internet you've got to ajust, but ai can provide productivity likes by never seen. >> your take on macrostory on markets an incredible year for stock prices, even as the economy is slowing, a lot of expectations, durable goods numbers down waiting on initial jobless claims durable goods orders do we have durable goods orders get to numbers. cheryl: i want to point something out this durable goods number much worse than expected big tightening items, this coming down negative 5.4%, this is the first negative read in over three months, negative 5.4% estimate was negative 3.1% this is a true economic indicator, something markets definitely
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going to look at as far as goods i want to bring that.-- excuse me down pvnt 1% looking for gain.1%, so that is another number watch quick claims came in weaker than expected tight labor markets 209,000 estimate 226 off three-month high we got last week initial claims continuing, coming in weaker-than-expected as well 1.84 million estimate was 1.875 million maria again, that durable goods headlines pretty rough, by the way, x rons sports write up.1% rough economy back to you. maria: talking about often economy slowing one gust last week predicted that we were going to see a horrible number that is exactly what cheryl is reporting i am with joe this morning market not really moved on this number even as you see this much worse than expected durable goods down
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5.4% explain that for a us what do you think going on. >> durable goods number is one simply data point all it is a date point a bad data.weakness over a year ago fed started to tighten people maybe weren't as comfortable what goes on in market impact fed has said things going to slow down reality is when you first start to tighten rates a lousy impact -- what is happening today is a big part of what has been taking place over the span of last year or so gradually, as rates have gone up, the economy starts to slow, that is exactly what the fed actually wanted, so, in a way, this could be painful in terms of possibility of recession, or slower economy, but also what the febtd objectivity with regard to inflation oil prices still lower than they were still up, i think mil america still
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getting smacked around, pretty good with this. maria: yeah. i -- i mean are you surprised that we haven't seen more impact on 11 rate hikes look you just said it a lag effect but we're like talking about almost two years now, in interprets when have fed started its rate rising campaign, 11 rate hikes still talking corners of the economy hit durable goods yes housing, but consumers pretty strong. >> i am not surprised, the reason i am not surprised, i am sure you never gone on a diet i have gone on a lot if i have to lose 10 pounds, the first 10 found easy last 10 very difficult at 5 1/2, 6% to 3 1/2, 4% so, but not where we need to get to it takes time to get there. maria: good point you have such are incredible experience on sports field about leadership as welling a market whether or not would you put
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new money to work in the stock market today after a -- 30% rally in nasdaq year-to-date, joe sticking with us did rest of the hour we'll be right back with joe. stay with us. . ♪ explore endless design possibilities. to find your personal style. endless hardie® siding colors. textures and styles. it's possible. with james hardie™. you can't buy great conversations or moments that matter, but you can invest in them. at t. rowe price our strategic investing approach can help you build the future you imagine.
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t. rowe price, invest with confidence.
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. >> americans hitting road ahead of thanksgiving jeff flock live in pennsylvania you are turnpike with more how is traffic out there? . reporter: you know pike was bad i cut to 95 moving fast right now that is good although i am told a shooting investigation farther north maybe,, still moving fast maybe all-time record for thanksgiving travel put numbers up almost 50 million people expected by aaa to hit
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roads in a car up about, one or two percent, factor in air travel too it could be all-time record 55 million people over the thanksgiving holiday, they are faced with lower gas prices that is a good thing we talked a lot about that. 3.28 average down regular coming down all year 35 cents down from this time last year higher than when president biden took office andy lipow where this is with turmoil in the middle east why have we gotten lower oil and gasoline prices? here is what he said. >> i think that the probability of us oil supply disruption, is rather low. especially, through trade because both iran as well as saudi arabia, kuwait iraq depend on that waterway for exports.
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. . reporter: and -- still moving fast maria, 95. maria: i think things slow down after work today maybe jeff things probably slow down people at work today then get on roads afternoon later today i would imagine. reporter: i think you are right i see brake lights right now there you go you timed perfectly. maria: jeff flock on the roads this morning, giving us lowdown meanwhile, slowing inflation could bring relief to holiday travelers data from priceline shows cost of domestic flights down 12% thanksgiving season, average round trip flight costing over 300 dollars average rate for nice, hotel, up to nearly 150 dollars car rentals over 70 dollars day joining me ceo priceline brett keller thanks very much for being here this morning, we want your tips on saving on travel this season but before i get there can you
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give us a sense what bookings look like rest of the year into 2024 trying to get a sense of economy and the slowdown. >> sure we came out of earnings season for travel companies broadly i think whether we're seeing is back in peak periods, demand sfris very strong. as we look at shorter periods ahead of thanksgiving, as we pass thanksgiving christmas period tapering off looking more like 2019 versus a lot of travel taking place earlier this year international travel that was in vogue. >> during holidays thing will be very, very busy likely to hit record days especially sunday in the air predicting close to three million travelers flying as they return home thanksgiving. >> coming back from the thanksgiving holidays in terms of 2024, do you expect demand
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to slow down as economy slows? >> well i think about what we're seeing is that consumers starting to shape into normal curve, i think demand will look similar to 2019 versus 2022, so healthy but not, not on fire as we look at other parts outbound apple demand towards international countries things look very strong there, of course, in asia demand very, very high different pockets recovering different paces. >> tips for this holiday. >> if you are going to book i would book next three or four days travel companies including price line put best deals of year out not just hoifldz but most deals putting out good through end stz year well into next year three, four months 2024, 10,000 hotels discounts over 30%
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partnering with marriott disney to give great discounts right now one, before demand fills up two when you can flight and hotels together to maximize savings. >> looking at early access mystery coupons as much as 99% off significant upgrades to gold status as well joe mobley jump in here. >> talking. cheryl: , pluses or mine uses, i can envision not far down the road a full service travel agency run totally by a.i., what is part of your plan going forward is it part of the business plan strategy can you take advantage is it going to help, hurt you? your thoughts. >> i just returned back from one of the largest online conferences, at that
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conference main theme a.i., priceline booking holdings brands in you portfoliotive using in transaction app as you move through to plan your trip ask questions ask our chatbox any question about your stay hotel, customers gaging with technology it really allows to us answer many questions we couldn't answer before. real time. so it saves consumer time, energy we see a lot of practical applications very germane to the space we think will be a really, really good help for. >> what with impact on budget. help reduce customer service costs component of travel helping navigate complicated challenges think about trying to cancel rebook flight
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understanding rules ai very powerful putting them simple, easy to understand he terminology, into technology an automate that for. >> you what are top domestic international travel destinations. >> in summer overseas everyone paris london rome asia first time in couple years that was place to go. as we move into holidays consumers staying more local orlando, to miami fort lauderdale dallas warm i snaifgs designations, and others happy thanksgiving to you. >> thank you happy thanksgiving. >> we will see you soon, we'll be right back. .
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if light in wealthy before you buy gift black friday time to put gift cards to work a bank rate survey finds almost half u.s. adults have at least one unused gift card, 187 dollars still on it joining me bank rate senior analyst ted rothman thanks very much for
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being here, how much of a factor are these gift cards? >> i think this is really big deal especially with facing so high, everybody looking for ways to save money, look no further than your junk drawer or back of your wallet a lot of people are sitting on unused gift cards i suggest being intentional this season, find them make a plan, treat yourself buy something for somebody on your gift list, maybe sell it too if nothing else, sell it to card cash or get 70, 80% what worth don't let it gather dust. >> sell it or give it away, do me a favor don't get me gift cards every christmas i lose every gift card given must have so many at home i'm going to try to take advice after years -- >> give more than 10 bucks. >> that is the -- >> give it 5 or 10 dollar gift
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card. i guess i am a weird one i spend things, organized, don't let dust i move them but i am here we can all -- >> you are not weird what should people do with cards can't use or can't find. >> holidays great time to make a list, if you don't like the store or not convenient for you there is probably somebody on your gift list would be perfect, for that card, you can reload a lot if you have that weird remainder not giving left over 7.87 but you can load that off street like discount holiday gift you are getting most value if you use it yourself but resale sights are worth considering inningth they languish you lose it store goes out of business brett sooner than later. >> thank you joining us this
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morning, big buzz next stay with us. . (sfx: stone wheel crafting) ♪ the biggest ideas inspire new ones. 30 years ago, state street created an etf that inspired the world to invest differently. it still does. what can you do with spy? ♪
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holiday 54 points on the dow, nasdaq at 76 s&p 50015 we are former td ameritrade would you put money in stock. >> i will be thoughtful and how i do it for the first time in the last ten or 15 years. >> the front end of the curve, if you go to for you take too much risk. 50/50 you put your money into bell's guarantee a quarter percent. b. risk and the other because the market has gone up, right now you can put a little bit more in cash, the market goes the other way you only have half your money in it and you're getting guarantee and you and just as the market does, simple easy smartest way to be in the market and get the upside potential without taking too much downside risk. maria: with all the economy slowing nasdaq up 35% year-to-date, s&p up 18%.
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>> last time i was on the show allstate again call me skeptical, my concern despite all the fundamentals we discussed on the show my concern part of the increase is due to the institutional investor that is democratic operative but in the tank for joe biden that is trying to make things a little bit better for joe biden going into an election year, the question is cannot sustain in the economy is going to do in 2024 i don't have the answers but isaac is a story worth watching. maria: the big buzz of the morning no more fight over who cooks and who cleans on thanksgiving one family goes viral for creating a chores draft to make sure everybody has the same amount of work on turkey day. watch this. >> this is how i do thanksgiving so my siblings and i don't kill each other we give every dish a point value from 1 - 3 and we draft what dishes we want to make we do this flex kitchen
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which means you hang out an hour and your job is to keep the kitchen clean, this is what it looks like when were done so everybody has the same amount of work on a holiday. maria: would you do it this way. >> no it sounds too much work to assign work i have a 14 month old she will understand any of these excel spreadsheets. i'm not doing i'm taking the day off. >> your former coach would you do it. >> this is the greatest advice i've ever gotten in the history of mankind this is how you handle holidays. as your child grows up you'll get this. >> let's be real this goes for you to, i talking still operate like this. that's a great way were to do the holiday season that is not how it works you and i know that. maria: have the host in the kitchen cleaning the dishes.
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>> will be in the kitchen the entire time, maybe the non- pythons, tell me i'm wrong your i tell you, you get it. >> you say you're going to pottstown thanksgiving. >> what's wrong with that. maria: is a turkey day. >> forget the potatoes have some pasta. >> pasta on the side. >> i like when we have a unicode meeting around this. carol frederick, todd piro, great to talk with you this morning. wishing everybody a happy thanksgiving, thank you for joining us i am grateful to you, our viewers, thank you so much happy thanksgiving. "varney & company" is up next. take away the. >> thank you good morning, everyone i am ashley webster interest due today, thanksgiving eve in this story, israe


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